
Administratie (7)

Vragen over accounts, administratie en facturering

Dedicated Servers (6)

Frequently asked questions regarding Dedicated Servers

General info (9)

General info about our company and network

KVM VPSes (17)

Frequently asked questions regarding KVM based VPSes

Sales / Ordering (9)

Frequently asked questions regarding sales and ordering

Webhosting (9)

Frequently asked questions regarding webhosting

Meest populaire

 Beschikbare besturingssystemen (ISO / Templates)

Beschikbare Besturingssystemen voor onze VPSen.[Laatste update op: 26 July 2024]OS Templates:-...

 KVM vs OpenVZ, what's the difference between these VPSes?

There are some differences between KVM and OpenVZ. Down below is a summary with pron and cons for...

 Klanten uit Europa en BTW

Alle klanten binnen Europa zijn onderworpen aan BTW. Klanten betalen het Btw-tarief van hun...

 Order setup time / instant setup

Some of our services are setup instant upon receipt of payment, other orders might have some...

 Is there a looking glass available?

For network tests you can use the following options that are all hosted on our primary location...